SILEO Open Call for Hack Day Travel Vouchers – Romania
SILEO project is launching an Open Call for Hack Day Travel Vouchers – Romania for the business and technology collaboration event “Navigating Challenges and Tech Solutions for SMEs in the furniture & lighting Industry” organized by Transylvanian Furniture Cluster in Cluj-Napoca, Romania on 13-14.06.2024.
The event will create the context for furniture and lighting SMEs and tech-savvy companies to debate and discuss on specific challenges, to find solutions to real problems that companies are facing in their industry and activity.
Each participant will select upon applying the priority of these 5 challenges for their companies:
- DIGITAL OPTIMIZATION IN PRODUCTION: How can companies optimize digital processes throughout the production chain, from design to delivery?
- SUSTAINABILITY IN PRODUCTION: How can companies integrate sustainable practices into the manufacturing process of furniture and lighting?
- DIGITAL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE: How can companies innovate in terms of digital customer experience, from purchase to customization?
- ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN LIGHTING: How can technological solutions improve the energy efficiency of lighting systems?
- CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN FURNITURE & LIGHTING: How can companies implement circular economy models for their products?
Under this SILEO Open Call, we will provide up to 65 travel vouchers, divided into two categories:
- Up to 50 vouchers for SMEs operating in the lighting or furniture industry
- Up to 15 vouchers for tech-savvy SMEs
SILEO funding is defined on the km distance between the place of departure and place of arrival, as mentioned in the table below:
Distance Band (in km) | Amount in EUR |
Between 25-250 km
250 EUR |
251-500 km and beyond
500 EUR |
Deadline extension until 26/04/2024 at 17:00 CET
- C27 - Manufacture of electrical equipment | C31 - Manufacture of furniture
Financial support for lighting and furniture SMEs and tech-savvy companies to attend the business and technology collaboration event “Navigating Challenges and Tech Solutions for SMEs in the furniture & lighting Industry” organized by Transylvanian Furniture Cluster in Cluj-Napoca, Romania on 13-14.06.2024.
The event will create the context for furniture and lighting SMEs and tech-savvy companies to debate and discuss on specific challenges, to find solutions to real problems that companies are facing in their industry and activity.
We are looking for voucher applications submitted by a single SME operating in the lighting or furniture industry and by a single Tech-savvy SME. SMEs must be located in the EU Member States or countries associated with the Single Market Programme.
Further eligibility criteria are available in section 2 and 4 of the Guide for Applicants.
Financial support:
The maximum financial support per project/SME is up to 500 EUR in the form of a lump sum. The funding is defined on the km distance between the place of departure and place of arrival.
- 500
- Networking | Internationalization
- Lump sum
- 20/02/2024 10:00
- 26/04/2024 17:00
- Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxemburg | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Albania | Armenia | Iceland | Moldova | Montenegro | North Macedonia | Serbia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Turkey | Ukraine
- Marta Krakowiak
- +39 0499350457