SILEO Open Call for Hack Day Travel Vouchers – Padua, Italy
SILEO project is launching an Open Call for Travel Vouchers – Italy to support the participation of SMEs operating in the lighting and furniture sector and tech-savvy SMEs in the SILEO Hack Day event entitled “IMPACT – Development of innovative business ideas for SMEs in the Furniture & Lighting industry”.
The Hack-Day is organized by Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto in Padua, Italy on 16.10.2024, beside the Italian fair “IMPACT – La Fiera dei Servizi e dell’Innovazione per l’impresa” (taking place on 16-17 October 2024), which aims to promote excellence and collaboration in the sector of services and innovation for companies. The fair is divided into four thematic areas, each with its dedicated space and specific insights, all united by a common thread: business growth, sustainability & green businesses; digital & technology; start-up & innovation.
The Hack-Day in Italy will provide a platform for lighting and furniture SMEs and tech-savvy SMEs to connect, learn and discover innovative solutions and services, gather insights, expertise on emerging technologies and sustainable growth opportunities and to debate on specific SILEO challenges, such as:
- DATA INTEGRATION: The impact of data integration in the manufacturing process in the lighting and furniture industry.
- IOT DEVICES AND MOBILE APP: The impact of IOT and of new communication technologies in creation of new products and services in the lighting and furniture industry.
- VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY IN FURNITURE & LIGHTING: The impact of virtual and augmented reality in the design, manufacturing and customer experience improvement of new lighting and furniture products.
- NEW MATERIALS AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN FURNITURE & LIGHTING: The impact of new materials in the design and manufacturing of new lighting and furniture products.
This Open Call envisaged 65 travel vouchers, divided into two categories:
✓ 50 travel vouchers for SMEs operating in the lighting or furniture industry
✓ 15 travel vouchers for tech-savvy SMEs
The final number of vouchers awarded under this Open Call will depend on the overall quality of the proposals and the available budget.
SILEO funding is defined based on the location of the legal headquarters of the SME applicants, as mentioned in the table below:
Location of legal headquarters of SME applicant | Amount in EUR |
If the legal address of SME applicant is located within the Province of Padua. | 150 EUR |
If the legal address of SME applicant is located in the Veneto Region (excluding the Province of Padua). | 250 EUR |
If the legal address of SME applicant is located outside the Veneto region and in other European countries or countries associated countries with the Single Market Programme. | 500 EUR |
- SILEO Guide for Applicants
- Application form for lighting/furniture SMEs (Word template)
- Application form for tech-savvy SMEs (Word template)
- Declaration of Honour
- Hack-Day in Italy AGENDA
- C27 - Manufacture of electrical equipment | C31 - Manufacture of furniture
Financial support for lighting and furniture SMEs and tech-savvy companies to attend the Hack Day event entitled “IMPACT - Development of innovative business ideas for SMEs in the Furniture & Lighting industry”, organized by Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto in Padua (Italy) on 16 October 2024. The event will create the context for furniture and lighting SMEs and tech-savvy companies to connect and discuss on specific SILEO challenges, explore new technologies and solutions and meet potential business partners, technology providers and companies from across Europe!
We are looking for applications submitted by a single SME operating in the lighting or furniture industry and by a single Tech-savvy SME.
SMEs must be located in the EU Member States or countries associated with the Single Market Programme.
Further eligibility criteria are available in section 2 and 4 of the Guide for Applicants.
Financial support:
The maximum financial support per project/SME is up to 500 EUR in the form of a lump sum. The funding is defined based on the location of the legal headquarters of the SME applicants.
- 500
- Internationalization
- Lump sum
- 29/04/2024 10:00
- 28/06/2024 17:00
- Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxemburg | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Albania | Armenia | Iceland | Moldova | Montenegro | North Macedonia | Serbia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Turkey | Ukraine
- Marta Krakowiak
- +39 0499350457