SILEO Open Call for Talent Placement Projects
SILEO Open Call for Talent Placement Projects aims to support lighting and furniture SMEs to attract talent – professionals to reinforce company digitalisation and circular economy transitions and to facilitate the job placement of new graduates in the world of work.
The SILEO Talent Placement is the successful recruitment and introduction of skilled professionals in the lighting and furniture SME business environments that shall be confirmed with a working contract for a duration of 2-6 months. Talent Placement aims at creating mutually valuable relationships between companies and professional figures in a time when digitalization and circular approaches are the main factors for moving employees, and companies, ahead.
SILEO project aims to establish a joint service for European lighting and furniture SMEs in order to:
- Enable them to include professionals, with a particular focus on young and women, in their workforce, according to a well-defined training internship and/or collaboration project that best defines the scope of professional integration;
- Facilitate the job placement of new graduates in the world of work, considering the experience in the company as a passage of professional growth and an opportunity for dialogue with companies;
- Reinforce the management/industrial culture of the companies and help them toward digitalisation and circular economy transition thanks to support in recruitment of requested job profiles;
- Support the engagement of junior professionals in the “traditional” industry, by embracing the absorption of “fresh”, innovative and creative perspectives for an industry considered resistant to change.
- Support SMEs in discovering new potential of digital tools/technologies to better adapt their business activities to the market demand.
Under this specific Open Call, the SILEO Consortium will select up to 50 projects aimed at the identification of the talent and their integration into the business environments of SMEs from the lighting and/or furniture sectors.
Successful projects will obtain financial support up to 4.000 EUR lump sum.
The SILEO Open Call for Talent Placement Projects was EXTENDED until 6.02.2024!
- C27 - Manufacture of electrical equipment | C31 - Manufacture of furniture
SILEO Talent projects must be submitted by an individual SME from the lighting and/or furniture ecosystem via the SILEO Application Portal. Each application must include a detailed description of the talent profile searched (competencies, background, etc.), the Collaboration Programme and the related employment contract offered by the SME applicant.
The Collaboration Programme should be executed in-person at the SME beneficiary premises and/or in a smart working format with part of the activities performed in presence. The Collaboration Programme and the related employment contract must respect the minimum and maximum number of hours in line with the national labour laws and contract typology.
The working tasks proposed by SME applicants must concern the thematic areas of Industry 4.0 technologies, digital transformation and/or circular economy applied to the sectors of lighting and furniture (business operations, manufacturing, production, marketing, etc. of the SMEs).
NACE codes allowed to participate:
- 27.4 - Manufacture of electric lighting equipment
- 31.0 - Manufacture of furniture
- 27.3 - Manufacture of wiring and wiring devices
Eligible applicants:
We are looking for project applications submitted by a single SME operating in the lighting and furniture industry and located in the EU Member States or countries associated with the Single Market Programme.
Further eligibility criteria are available in section 2.1 of the Guide for Applicants.
Financial support:
The maximum financial support per project/SME is up to 4.000 EUR in the form of a lump sum.
You can download here the:
- Download here the SILEO Guide for Applicants
- Download here the SILEO Talent Placement Project – technical part
- Download here the Declaration of Honour
- Download here the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Recording of the 1st online info webinar is available here:
Recording of the 2nd online info webinar is available here:
- 4000
- Innovation
- Lump sum
- 27/11/2023 10:00
- 06/02/2024 17:00
- Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxemburg | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Albania | Armenia | Iceland | Moldova | Montenegro | North Macedonia | Serbia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Turkey | Ukraine
- Marta Krakowiak
- +39 0499350457