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SocialTech4EU provides financial support to the awarded social enterprises from within the SocialTech4EU Call for Social Enterprises in Europe - Financial support for Innovation to carry out an innovation project in collaboration with providers.
Applicants to this Call can request financial support up to € 37.000. At least 10 social enterprises will be selected.

GEMSTONE call – Financial support for Training (TRAIN) aims to facilitate the connexion between training providers and SMEs and to support SMEs capacity building. The training to be carried out by the beneficiary in the framework of this call must have a clear link with the challenges of the Green Manufacturing and help the SME develop a new set of skills that will support its resilient and sustainable development.
Up to 45 projects will obtain support up to 2,000€ for each SME.

POLREC Training Open Call provides financial support to European SMEs working in the field of polymers & elastomers industries.

GEMSTONE call – Financial Support for Exploration (EXPLORE) aims to facilitate SMEs internationalisation strategy by supporting their participation to business fairs and other international event deemed interesting for their activities, in targeted countries and in relation to Green Manufacturing.
Up to 40 projects will obtain support up to 1,500€ for each SME.

POLREC Internationalisation Open Call provides financial support to European SMEs working in the field of polymers & elastomers industries. It aims to facilitate SMEs internationalisation strategy by supporting their participation to business fairs and networking conferences in a matchmaking mission organised in Quebec (Canada) on February 2025.

This call provides financial support to European SMEs, start-ups and very-small businesses (VSBs) working in the Mobility, Transport and Automotive (MTA) ecosystem, so they can participate in training activities.
The financial support will be up to €750 per SME with a total available budget of €15,000.

The FRIEND CCI project offers financial support to SMEs in the form of grants, directed to the development and implementation of cross-sectoral projects aimed to bring innovation both at the level of products and at the level of processes/ technologies, with a specific eye on the needs linked to the twin transition.

The GRAINS Financial Facility Program up to 60 Social Economy SMEs will be selected to support financially the implementation of their greening projects in their agrifood businesses in EU Member States and Ukraine. The maximum amount to be granted per Social Economy SME in Agrifood by the GRAINS project shall not exceed € 8.175,00.

SILEO project is launching an Open Call for Travel Vouchers - Italy to support the participation of SMEs operating in the lighting and furniture sector and tech-savvy SMEs in the SILEO Hack Day event entitled “IMPACT - Development of innovative business ideas for SMEs in the Furniture & Lighting industry”.

This call is addressed to trainig experts in green and digital transition who have experience in supporting SMEs in the Mobility, Transport and Automotive (MTA) sector and the related production ecosystem.
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