GRAINS: Social Economy SMEs in Agrifood Sector Open Call
The GRAINS Financial Facility Program up to 60 Social Economy SMEs will be selected to support financially the implementation of their greening projects in their agrifood businesses in EU Member States and Ukraine. The maximum amount to be granted per Social Economy SME in Agrifood by the GRAINS project shall not exceed € 8.175,00.
This Call for Proposals is launched in the framework of the GRAINS project.
Through the GRAINS Financial Facility Program up to 60 Social Economy SMEs will be selected to support financially the implementation of their greening projects in their agrifood businesses in EU Member States and Ukraine.
The activities for which social economy SMEs may receive financial support are:
- training (upskilling and reskilling),
- consultancy and labelling for greening their operations,
- tailored advisory services to develop local markets,
- other elements necessary for greening their enterprises (eco certifications, eco packaging, digitalisation and technologies, etc.)
- additional path of coaching and mentoring (specific coaching and mentoring services are already offered to Social Economy SMEs through other project activities).
The beneficiaries of this Open Call are European Member States plus Ukrainian SMEs, start-ups and/or mid-cap companies from the Social Economy Ecosystem operating in the agrifood sector.
Further eligibility criteria are available in section 4 of the Call for Proposal (Guidelines for Applicants).
For the implementation of their projects, using the grant provided to them by the GRAINS project, selected Social Economy SMEs will have to contract verified service providers.
A list of verified service providers has been selected through a specific call (Grains project - Call for Service Providers) to create a pool from which Social Economy SMEs in agrifood can choose the most appropriate provider(s) to support their project implementation.
The list of verified service providers is available to this link.
This Call for Proposals for Financial Support for Social Economy SMEs in Agrifood will be open from 29 February 2024 until 28 June 2024 and will select up to 60 Social Economy SMEs in the agrifood sector to take part in the GRAINS project Financial Facility Program.
Financial support:
The maximum amount to be granted per Social Economy SME in Agrifood by the GRAINS project shall not exceed € 8.175,00.
Relevant documents:
You can download here the:
- 8175
- Lump sum
- 29/02/2024 12:00
- 28/06/2024 17:00
- Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxemburg | Malta | Netherlands | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Ukraine
- Melinda Kelemen