SILEO 2nd Open Call for Business Digital Transformation Projects
SILEO Open Call for Business Digital Transformation Projects aims to support lighting and furniture SMEs to facilitate collaboration with digital technology providers/facilitators to implement business digital transformation projects that address the main challenges of the green and digital transition.
The Business Digital Transformation Project is the successful implementation of a consultancy service provided by a technology provider for SMEs operating the lighting and furniture supply chains, aimed at exploring the potential of digitalisation processes and/or the adoption of sustainable practices to support the company’s green and digital transition.
This SILEO Call is a unique opportunity for the EU SMEs to access the following expert services (A-B-C) through collaboration with one or more technology providers:
A) General expert consultancy on company digitalisation processes.
(Which company processes might be digitised to improve its innovation and business potential?)
B) Specific expert consultancy on identified advanced technologies and/or digitalisation processes to concretely explore its potential uptake at the company level, its implementation procedure into the firm operations and the scale of investment.
(How the specific technology or digitalisation process can upgrade business growth, green and digital transformation, what is its cost-benefit, estimated investment plan and how does the implementation of a new technology affect employees, will they need training, is the technology easy to operate, etc.?)
C) General expert consultancy for business transformation and market analysis. Support in market intelligence analysis including an outline of the size of the (new) market (segments) potentially accessible thanks to the company’s technological upgrading, product demand, trends, customers, and competitors. (What are the new market prospects in view of the company’s digital upgrading? Please note that all markets are eligible: national, international, existing and brand new, single sector and cross-sector)
Project budget: up to 5.000 EUR lump sum per project/SME.
- SILEO Guide for Applicants
- SILEO Application Form_sample
- Declaration of Honour
- SILEO Pool of Technology Uptake Facilitators (Final version)
- CALL INFO SESSION WEBINAR 26.02.2024 (recording)
- C27 - Manufacture of electrical equipment | C31 - Manufacture of furniture
Financial support to access one of the expert services (A-B-C) described above in collaboration with one or more technology provider(s) selected from the SILEO Pool of Technology Uptake Facilitators.
The ambition of the Business Digital Transformation Projects is to enable lighting and furniture SMEs to explore the potential of digitalisation processes, sustainable practices and/or uptake of advanced technologies implementation to support their green and digital transition.
We are looking for project applications submitted by a single SME operating in the lighting and furniture industry and located in the EU Member States or countries associated with the Single Market Programme.
Further eligibility criteria are available in section 2 of the Guide for Applicants.
- 5000
- Networking | Innovation
- Lump sum
- 22/01/2024 10:00
- 25/03/2024 17:00
- Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxemburg | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Albania | Armenia | Iceland | Moldova | Montenegro | North Macedonia | Serbia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Turkey | Ukraine
- Marta Krakowiak
- +39 0499350457