
POLREC: 2nd Training Open Call

POLREC 2nd Training Open Call provides financial support to European SMEs working in the field of polymers & elastomers industries.

The POLREC project is a collaborative project between 5 European clusters:  Polymeris (coordinator), CENTIMFECluster MAVPCD/DMN and WFG. It started on the 1st of September 2022 and will end on the 31st of August 2025. POLREC is funded by the European Commission Joint Cluster initiatives for Europe’s recovery (Euroclusters) under the Single Market Programme (SMP COSME) Grant Agreement 101074434.

During the 3 years-period the project plan to support up to 250 SMEs through financial support to third parties and dedicated services to encourage the adoption of recycling technologies, train the SMEs’ workforce on those new technologies and enable them to participate in international trade fair and matchmaking events.

Under this Training Open Call, the POLREC consortium will select up to 31 SMEs that will obtain support on training in one or maximum 2 of the 3 different sub-topics (an SME can submit maximum two applications on the same sub-topic under the condition that each application concern a different staff member):

  • Training on adopting innovative recycling methods.
  • Training on adopting digital processes.
  • Training on specific technical profiles related to polymer recycling.

The type of trainings supported are described in the “Guide for applicants”.

The total budget for the POLREC Training Open Call is 105,000 € and will be distributed on sub-grants of maximum 1,460 € per application.

The call will open on 25/11/2024 at 12:00 CET and close on 25/02/2025 at 18:00 CET 11/03/2025 at 18:00 CET. The deadline of this call has been extended. The SMEs applying to this call can apply to other POLREC Open Calls, provided that the total amount granted under the different applications does not exceed 60,000 €.

  • The POLREC Training Open call focuses on SMEs from plastic, rubbers and composites industries to improve the skills of the companies’ staffs through the implementation of trainings related to polymer recycling, with the overall aim to foster the adoption by SMEs of polymer recycling methods to reduce their CO2 emissions and increase their collaboration with other European SMEs.

  • Eligible applicants of this Open Call are SMEs from the Polymers and Elastomer ecosystem established in EU Member States and Single-Market-Program countries.

    The SMEs targeted by this call can cover various sectors, such as: transport and mobility, construction, renewable energy, digital and electronics, health, consumer goods, industrial and food packaging.

    The eligibility conditions for this Open Call are described in section 5 of the Guide for Applicant.

    Financial support:

    Maximum budget of 1.460 EUR per application with a maximum overall budget of 105.000 EUR. An SME can obtain support on training in one or maximum 2 of the 3 different sub-topics.

    Additional documentation:

    POLREC Training Open Call - Guide for Applicants

    POLREC List of Reference Service Providers

  • 1460
  • Training
  • Lump sum
  • 25/11/2024 12:00
  • 11/03/2025 18:00
  • Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxemburg | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Albania | Armenia | Iceland | Moldova | Montenegro | North Macedonia | Serbia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Turkey | Ukraine
  • Ona Bombí
This call has expirated.
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